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  1. Exactly. He took citizenship of another country when this was not allowed at that time. He regrets it now as realising the ramifications his decision making as a teenager has on his children. Many countries don't allow dual nationality like China, India, Austria, Netherlands, so he's lucky as being able to get it 'resumed'.
  2. You ask on a free and open forum for free advise from members here but obviously didn't the answer you wanted to hear. You seem not to believe how hard it actually is to get a RRV after such a long time. By the way, it doesn't matter how many family members you count who are already Australian citizens living in Australia - your mums and sister have no 'right of way'. You would definitively need professional advise as it's especially hard to reason why your elderly mum suddenly wants to come to Australia. The last thing the Australian Government wants are older people who might become a burden to their health system and they want migrants who contribute with certain skill sets.
  3. I'm afraid it's not the role of the Immigration Office/Authority to guide you on your journey to citizenship. You either have to figure out your personal eligibility by yourself or employ a registered migration agent (they get paid to give migrants professional advise and have a good knowledge). I can't see why your short 1 year wait would derail your life here taking into account that Permanent Residents have almost all the same rights like Australian citizens. Or do you want to work for the Government your are bashing in your post? Would be hypocritical taking into account you left Australia for more than 1 year on a Student visa and are only living here for 3 years in a raw as a PR. You have to wait 4 years like anybody else and please stop blaming others/authorities when it's clearly your own misinterpretation of the law.
  4. There is one thing missing in your questionary. Are your parents meeting the family balance test? https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/contributory-aged-parent-864/balance-of-family-test So you are either an only child or at least 50% of your siblings are residing in Australia? This is the make or break of any permanent Australian parent visas.
  5. PR will be cancelled on the day you gonna attend your ceremony . You can check that on VEVO. I have heard from people applying for a passport on the day of their ceremony and they were fine. With the '10 days waiting period' it's more a recommendation I reckon as there are citizenship ceremonies with sometimes up to 500 applicants and if everybody would apply for a passport straight after, well if leave it up to everyone's imagination. My partner applied for a passport after 4 weeks as we didn't have any international travel plans.
  6. Hi ecg78, did you have to rock up at the Post Office a 2nd time? Or did they change citizenship certificate no. for you on the passport form? Just asking as I did the same mistake!!! Will head to the post office next week as we've just returned from holidays at the Gold Coast...
  7. Date applied - 02/02/2016 City/Council area - Adelaide Online / Paper - Paper Date received the acknowledgement email - 04/02/2016 Date of the Citizenship Test - 16/03/2016 - passed (100%) Approval letter dated - 16/03/2016 - received in mail 22/03/2016 Date of ceremony - 12/08/2016 -received invitation in mail 15/07/2016 - invitation sent by DIBP Type of ceremony (Urgent/Normal) - Normal - CITIZEN!!! Became Australian citizen today :-) Checked this afternoon on VEVO, my visa has already been cancelled. Arrived shortly after 9:00 am with my wife at our local Footy Club. Luckily we have arrived so early, as could fill in electoral enrolment form and straight after that received my Citizenship Certificate! Affirmation/pledge done after Mayor, AEC staff and Immi representative held their welcome speeches. Over 500 people attended inclusive family members, friends, children. It was so full in the Club room that some people had to stand as not enough chairs available (it was mentioned in invitation letter to only bring 1 person along). Fantastic ceremony with lunch/sandwiches and mini cupcakes and the obligatory photo shooting with the Mayor and other politicians. Decorated with all Australian Flags, Coat of Arms + Queen of Australia. Beautiful weather and such a nice atmosphere. Wish you all the very best outcome!
  8. It's not shown on our council's website and DIBP are hosting a ceremony due to the fact that we live in a large council with many migrants who want to become citizens. I have sent you a private message in which council we live in because I don't know if the same applies to you. I don't want to raise wrong expectations but it's worth to ask if anything is happening in between.
  9. Then you're just lucky as citizenship is a demand driven 'industry' nowadays! More demand means less likelihood of a quick ceremony. Townsville is not a migrant hot spot anyway with a population of 171,824 inhabitants as the council we live in has almost that number of people alone - not to mention whole Adelaide!
  10. Hi Roland, good luck with your ceremony! You may just give DIBP a ring by the end/mid of August and enquire about that issue as this would mean a long wait... My partner attends a DIBP hosted ceremony and NOT a council one as our council - even with nearly monthly ceremonies hosted by our council. Too many applicants I guess! Maybe you're also lucky and get an Immi hosted one.
  11. All March approved applicants in SOUTH AUSTRALIA are due in August for their ceremonies (at least what I have found out in another forum). 2 people from Brisbane posted here not long ago. Have a look on littlegreenman from Queesnland. He was approved in Feb 2016 and got his certificate in July 2016. You should be next in August/September (depending if there is something going in August!) BUT... has your partner's application been approved in May and yours in March? Are both applications linked? If yes, than unfortunately you have to wait longer because usual waiting time is at least 5 months currently in a positive scenario for all states (besides Perth/WA I heard opposite in only 3 months all together).
  12. Actually, it's not that strange as my other half had to sign as well and his CO mentioned that his signature from the passport (8 years old) was different to the application's current one. CO said that they ask for this because some people change the way they sign and of course DIBP wants to have the most recent signature and not an out dated in a nearly decade old passport ( you'd wonder how many people do so).
  13. It was a letter and it said that you have to contact Immi in case you are NOT attending your ceremony. No need for confirmation. But saying this keep in mind in case you receive an email it can be the opposite! I have read somewhere that email invitations would need confirmation by replying to the council.
  14. Exactly! They are definitely not 'just' frontline staff as they are in charge of any citizenship approvals! What some applicants simply don't get is the fact that a 'case officer' for a visa applicantion - which is a certain person in a certain team - is not the same as a 'case officer' for a citizenship application - as citizenship is rather a formal approval when an applicant fulfils all requirements and is eligible and therefore there is no 'case officer' in terms of a certain person but all staff in Immi dealing with this are highly trained and qualified Federal public servants for only one reason: Don't underestimate the fact that they are dealing with not only highly confidential and private information as it is more about to detect false applications and failed character tests as well. For example, the photo they take at the interview works with 'face recognition' in their computer system and can easily detect if the person who claims to be the applicant is really the applicant. It is really about to proof who you are and to say 'front line staff' stultifies the sobriety of dealing with this kind of sensitive information and these 'front line staff' take citizenship seriously as they have the power to refuse and revoke citizenship AFTER the grant as well (they have revoked some by the way who came here as 'fake' PR's or were terrorists or gang members).
  15. Date applied - 02/02/2016 City/Council area - Adelaide Online / Paper - Paper Date received the acknowledgement email - 04/02/2016 Date of the Citizenship Test - 16/03/2016 - passed (100%) Approval letter dated - 16/03/2016 - received in mail 22/03/2016 Date of ceremony - 12/08/2016 -received invitation in mail 15/07/2016 - sender was DIBP NOT my council! Type of ceremony (Urgent/Normal) - Normal - mass ceremony with 200 applicants hosted by DIBP in our local footy club
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